School Profile
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Grades 6 – 8
10 – Month Traditional Calendar
DBMS Homepage
Phone: 910-483-3101
Fax: 910-483-3741
The staff and students at Douglas Byrd Middle School welcome you to the “Home of the Hawks.”
Located in the southern part of Fayetteville, Douglas Byrd Middle School is a diverse school where cultural differences are celebrated. Many of our families are affiliated with the military (Fort Bragg Army Base or Pope Air Force Base). The school offers a variety of classes for sixth, seventh and eighth graders as well as classes for Exceptional Children. Our Exceptional Children’s classes include the following categories: Behaviorally Emotionally Disabled, Specific Learning Disabled, Educable Mentally Disabled, Trainable Mentally Disabled, Severe-Profound Mentally Disabled and Hearing Impaired.
Currently, there are 60 classrooms at Douglas Byrd Middle School: 33 for core subjects, nine for Exceptional Children, six cultural arts classrooms, three physical education classrooms, and three vocational classrooms.
The vision for Douglas Byrd Middle School is to prepare each and every student attending the school to take his or her place as a productive member of society. We provide each student with the tools needed to contribute to society in a positive manner. We have committed ourselves to foster a productive environment that involves community, parents, teachers, and students working together to achieve life-long success through continuing education.